Thursday, October 4, 2012

Chapter 8 - Appalachia and the Ozarks

According to the book, the Appalachia and the Ozark is separated by over 300 miles with similar topography and settlement history.  Within Santa Clarita now towards the north there are tons of Caucasian people and in the south there is a huge percentage of Hispanics.

In the small town of Valencia there is a lot more room for expansion to keep growing new families with tons of new housing tracts being built every couple of years.  The east side towards Canyon Country doesn't have too much extra space to keep building so they pretty much have to live off what businesses are already there to keep their community up and running.

For the most part the Santa Clarita tends to itself when it comes to bringing in revenue for the community.  Occasionally there will be town fairs, marathons, golf tournaments and contests and of course Magic Mountain that will attract visitors from other cities to bring more of a lively atmosphere to the valley.  

Sources and Pictures:

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